Mail symbol

In the toolbar you will find the mail symbol. Here, you can send your results (result table or website shown in the integrated browser) to other internet users.

With a click on the mail symbol you open the mail window. Here you enter the mail address of your addressee. You can enter a personal message in the input field. The subject matter will be generated by the program automatically but you can also change the subject matter.

Beneath the mail symbol you can see a small arrow. By clicking on it, a dropdown menu with four commands will be called up. with these commands you can define the kind of mail you want to send:

Tell a friend about BINGOOO
Some important information about BINGOOO will be generated automatically in the mail window. You just have to enter the individual mail address.

Mail Feedback to BINGOOO
With this command, you call up a mail window with the BINGOOO mail address already generated to contact the BINGOOO team. You just have to enter your question or comment.

Mail result as link
With this command, you can send a single result from your result table to another person. The complete web address referring to that result will automatically generated in the mail window's text field. You just have to enter the individual mail address.

Mail result table (html attachment)
This function is only available in BINGOOO professional and BINGOOO corporate
With this command, you mail the complete result table to another person. The result table will be automatically generated as html attachment. You just have to enter the individual mail address.

When you have made your individual entries you just click on the button "Send" in the mail window's toolbar.

The mail window has its own menu bar and toolbar. Here you will find functions to add further atttachments from your PC to the mail, e.g.

If you want to contact others even faster than by mail, you can send instant messages with the BINGOOO messenger. This function requires a personal messenger account.

You can find further information under:

Messenger panel
How to mail a result table
How to mail a result link
How to create a messenger account
How to send instant messages
Register Messenger (Dialogue General options)